

Our office is fully operational during the Coronavirus pandemic. To enable us to protect our staff and follow the Government’s guidelines, our office is closed for public access. Some staff are working at the offices and others are working remotely. There is a full telephone service in operation, including out of hours. Please contact us by telephone and/or e-mail in the first instance and only come to the office if asked to do so. We have full video conferencing facilities. Only in exceptional circumstances will we be able to hold a face-to-face meeting. Should you need to visit our office then you must follow Government guidelines, use hand sanitisers and keep a two metre distance at all times.


Contact details

General Enquiries0121 200 2818law@murria.co.uk
24 hour Police Station Assistance0121 200 2820 
Makhan Singh07773 782432msingh@murria.co.uk
Balraj Sahota07811 287421bsahota@murria.co.uk
Hina Paw07773 777245hpaw@murria.co.uk
Raj Deu07803 150056rdeu@murria.co.uk

We are closely monitoring the situation and shall keep you updated.

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