The increase in contentions and claims against estates

Challenging a Will is a serious matter and shouldn’t be undertaken without careful consideration. Our team can help you make the right decision for you and support your claim should you decide to contest

Meeting the challenges of businesses in financial distress

Companies facing financial distress have a range of options, some of which have a significant impact on how they operate. In some cases, restructuring debt and talking to creditors can result in more time and flexibility in how debt is repaid. If your company is facing severe financial problems and is no longer able to meet its financial obligations to suppliers and other creditors, then it’s important to take action.

Claim of Wrongful arrest against Essex Police

Galwinder Singh Kang from our Wrongful Arrests and False Imprisonment department recently handled a claim against Essex Police for a client who had been wrongly arrested on 2 November 2020. He was arrested in the early hours of the morning from his home address on suspicion of fraud. More

UK Visa support for Ukrainian nationals

In this short guide, our expert UK immigration solicitors take a look at the UK Visa scheme and support for Ukrainian nationals and their family members.

Claim for wrongful arrest, false imprisonment, trespass and breach of human rights

Our wrongful arrest and false imprisonment solicitor, Galwinder Kang recently dealt with a claim against Thames Valley Police that included claims for wrongful arrest, false imprisonment, trespass and breach of human rights. On 11 June 2021, our client was arrested for alleged harassment of an ex-partner. The arrest took place in the early hours of the morning, at his home address in front of his wife and young children. More
Sponsor licence eligibility

Sponsor Licence Applications – Are You Eligible?

Since Brexit and the recent changes to UK immigration laws, any UK employer who wants to sponsor skilled workers from both EU and non-EU countries must obtain a UK Visa Sponsor Licence - Murria Solicitors More
Stamp duty holiday residential conveyancing

Don’t miss out on the ‘stamp duty holiday’

Most people purchasing properties in England and Northern Ireland are buying properties for less than the £500,000 cut-off for Stamp Duty relief. We can help you take the advantage of stamp-duty holiday with our conveyancing services.

What are the facts about UK immigration detention?

For what’s called administrative purposes, the UK detains people without judicial oversight and with no time limits in place. In this article we cover some facts about UK Immigration Detention

Commercial landlord guidance in a Covid-19 world

Commercial landlords have not been immune from these pressures, with some confusion developing about the rights and responsibilities of commercial landlords during the length of the restrictions.


Our office is fully operational during the Coronavirus pandemic. To enable us to protect our staff and follow the Government’s guidelines, our office is closed for public access. Some staff are working at the offices and others are working remotely.

Commercial lease evictions – what you need to know

There are many number of reasons why a commercial landlord may wish to take back the possession of their premises.When a landlord takes back possession of their premises this is known as ‘forfeiture’.

Arrested and held in custody in an error made by the police

On 24/10/19 our client was arrested in Bradford Town Centre by Police Officers who said that there was a warrant out for his arrest. Our client was well known to the Police. He told the Officers that the matter had already dealt with but the Officers didn’t believe him.
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