Galwinder Singh Kang
Job Title: Director, Solicitor, COLP
Galwinder joined Murria Solicitors as a trainee solicitor in 1992 and qualified as a solicitor in December 1994. He was appointed a partner at the practice in 2003 and became a director and shareholder when the firm incorporated into a limited company. Throughout his career, Galwinder has dealt with a vast range of predominantly claimant litigation matters. He has experience in handling all kinds of litigation and enjoys challenging and complex cases. He has acted for defendants on many insurance-related matters in recent years, including many defendants left without insurance cover due to allegations of dishonestly and non-disclosure. He also acts for both commercial and residential landlords and tenants in claims relating to property. He is noted for his negotiation skills and is able to present a robust case regardless of the circumstances.
Key recent cases
Recently, Galwinder has acted on behalf of professional golfer in a complex case, ensuring he was able to gain a substantial settlement for his client following a career-threatening injury.
He recently managed to favourably negotiate a settlement in a claim where a pension company paid benefits twice and sought to recover the overpayment.
He has also defended a company in a case of alleged patent infringement relating to goods imported from China. Currently, Galwinder is acting on behalf of a former NHS employee in a claim against a number of hospital trusts for release of his personal data without his consent. Galwinder has recently settled a professional negligence claim against a firm of solicitors arising out of its handling of our client’s case. He has further dealt with a misrepresentation claim in relation to the sale of a house to our client. Galwinder also has experience in representing clients with brain injuries, ensuring their long-term needs are catered for as part of settlements. He has managed various fatal accident claims and represented various overseas claimants pursing claims in the UK.
Challenging the Authorities
Galwinder is renowned for his expertise in acting against authorities such as the Police, Prison Service, Court Service and the Home Office, in cases including wrongful arrest, unlawful imprisonment and assault. He is currently acting for a client who was shot in the eye by a police officer using a Police Taser gun. He is also currently acting on behalf of the estate of a prisoner who died in prison from a drugs overdose. He has represented families at inquests held in the Coroner’s Court. He has challenged search warrants by way of judicial review and recovered items seized by the Police and HMRC.
Other Work:
Galwinder has been involved in challenging insurance companies’ decisions to void policies, defending allegations of ‘fundamental dishonesty’, pension company disputes, defending nurses and care workers in ‘fitness to practice’ hearings, procurement challenges, and assisting landlords and tenants in matters including seeking possession and breach of covenant.
Specialist Skills:
Galwinder is highly-experienced in taking on complex, distinctive cases whilst identifying relevant issues and breaking apart an opponent’s case. He takes great interest in cases from the outset, working closely with leading specialist barristers who are chosen due to their expertise. He is renowned amongst his peers for his meticulous preparation.
Civil litigation, complex injury claims, civil actions against authorities, inquests, and judicial reviews.
Law Society, Police Action Lawyers Group (PALG).
Wrongfully arrested on suspicion of theft awarded compensation with deletion of records from police systems
One of our clients was arrested on suspicion of theft. He lived in shared accommodation in a block of flats which had a common post room. He had purchased an electrical item online. A day or so later, upon entering the residents block, our client noticed an electrical item parcel in the post room.Claim of Wrongful arrest against Essex Police
Galwinder Singh Kang from our Wrongful Arrests and False Imprisonment department recently handled a claim against Essex Police for a client who had been wrongly arrested on 2 November 2020. He was arrested in the early hours of the morning from his home address on suspicion of fraud.Claim for wrongful arrest, false imprisonment, trespass and breach of human rights
Our wrongful arrest and false imprisonment solicitor, Galwinder Kang recently dealt with a claim against Thames Valley Police that included claims for wrongful arrest, false imprisonment, trespass and breach of human rights. On 11 June 2021, our client was arrested for alleged harassment of an ex-partner. The arrest took place in the early hours of the morning, at his home address in front of his wife and young children.Arrested and held in custody in an error made by the police
Unlawful arrest and detention for alleged breach of a non-molestation order
Electronic Monitoring Services wrongful arrests and false imprisonment compensation claims
On 15 September 2019 our client was arrested in the early hours of the morning by Officers from Lancashire Constabulary for alleged breach of bail. He was on bail and one of his bail conditions was a curfew between the hours of 7.00pm and 7.00am. The curfew was electronically monitored by a company called Electronic Monitoring Services, which is part of Capita and whose is contracted by the Court Service to provide this electronic monitoring service...Police & criminal justice data record violations
Deletion of records from Police systems
Law Commission recommends search warrant modernisation
Claim by Prison In-Mate