Six figure compensation for injured midwife

We recently settled a substantial claim on behalf of a midwife injured in a road traffic accident on 04 November 2013. Our Client sustained severe injuries to her knee, head and suffered psychologically as a result.

Employee or Sub-Contractor?

Murria Solicitors successfully defended a company facing a claim for personal injury compensation. The claim was made by a worker arguing he was injured due to faulty tools.

Student injured in nightclub

Murria Solicitors were instructed to represent a 1st year student at Leeds University in a personal injury claim for a burn injury to her arm caused by an uncovered light bulb. The nightclub denied liability.

Police brutality caught on CCTV

Murria Solicitors were instructed by our client in a matter of an assault by the Police.
Our client was assaulted and had his head aggressively banged against

Insurers undervalued compensation, Murria Solicitors gained more

Murria Solicitors were instructed to act for an Education Officer who was involved in a Road Traffic Accident. As a result of the accident, our Client suffered injuries to her shoulders, neck and back. Consequently, she was unable to work, suffered a loss of earnings and required continual care from her family during her recovery time.

Wiping Clean a Record of Arrest

On 19 January 2011 our client was arrested for allegedly threatening to kill a disgruntled employee. He was arrested and detained for a few hours. Our client thought nothing more of it until a couple of years later when during a routine Police stop, the Police Officer commented that our client had previously been arrested for threats to kill.

Family home wrecked due to Police error

Murria Solicitors were instructed to act on behalf of a family of 4, following an incident in which their family home was wrongfully raided and damaged.

Our clients were rudely awakened in the early hours of the morning as Police officers executed a search warrant on their house, which was in fact the wrong address.

Police wrongfully arrest and detain family

The Mother had just dropped her daughter off at college and was driving back home, at which point she was intercepted by the Police and arrested on suspicion of armed robbery. Her anxious Sons were notified of the situation by witnesses and in their attempts to enquire as to the circumstances of the matter, they too were wrongfully arrested.

Heavy handed police face the consequences

Murria Solicitors were instructed to act for a client in a matter where the Police reacted to a false allegation in a heavy-handed and irrational manner which resulted in our client being forcibly arrested and detained.

CCTV catches our lying Street Warden

Murria Solicitors were instructed to act on behalf of a Client in a case of a false accusation of assault. Our client and his friend were out drinking in the early hours of the morning in Wakefield City Centre. Our client’s friend, who was slightly worse for wear than our client, was involved in an incident with Street Wardens.

Tripping accident – Path is the Council’s responsibility

Murria Solicitors were instructed in a tripping accident. Murria Solicitors acted for a Client who was tripped on an uneven and raised path. As a result of the accident our Client suffered injuries to her face, nose and legs.

The difference between an employee, a worker, a self-employed contractor and a volunteer

This business development briefing just provides an overview of the law in this area. You should talk to a lawyer for a complete understanding of how it may affect your particular circumstances. It explains the significance of the distinction between an employee, a worker and a self-employed contractor and also highlights the legal status of volunteers.

Brief Guide to the Tenancy Deposit Scheme

This business development briefing just provides an overview of the law in this area. You should talk to a lawyer for a complete understanding of how it may affect your particular circumstances. It explains what a tenancy deposit scheme (TDS) is and what a landlord’s obligations are under a TDS.

Arrested – Compensation for Mistaken Identity

On 8 April 2013, our client was at his girlfriend’s property when Police Officers from West Midlands Police attended looking for a previous occupant of the property. His girlfriend had only recently moved in. Despite providing his details and bearing no resemblance to the ‘wanted’ person, our client was arrested and taken to Court.